

To manifest perfection in your marriage, you need to know the Killers of marriage.


There’s nothing as important as charging hard for perfection in our marriage, nothing! Unlike what you hear every day: no one is perfect or you know am not perfect, perfection is a big possibility in all the possibilities in life. If it were not so, we will not be told to be perfect in the book of Matthew 5:48. 

However, to be perfect, we must be spiritual. The first marriage: Adam and Eve thrived in perfection when they were spiritual—fellowshiping with God in the spirit.

Can your marriage boast of a fellowship with God? This is a marital meal for another day. 

What you really need to know is that there are killers of marriage drawing us far away from pursuing perfection. 

What are they? We asked Benson Enakhena, a man whose culture and tradition are spiritual like Elijah in the Old Testament. 

Enakhena, always kind, shared these killers of Marriage with Godfrey Times Love Thursday (GTLT), saying, 

1      Laziness kills Marriage.

2     Suspicion kills Marriage

3     Lack of trust kills marriage.

4     Lack of mutual respect kills marriage.

5     Unforgiveness, Bitterness, Hatred, Malice and anger kill marriage.

6    Unnecessary Arguments kill marriage.

7     Keeping Secrets from your Spouse kills marriage.

8     Every form of infidelity kills marriage (financial, emotional, psychological, material, etc.).

9     Poor Communication kills marriage.

10    Lies easily kill marriage. Be sincere with your spouse in every aspect.

11     Relating more with your parents/family members than your spouse kills marriage.

12     Lack of inadequate or unenjoyable sex kills marriage. 

13     Nagging kills marriage.

14     Too much talk and careless talk kills marriage.

15     Spending less or little time with your spouse kills marriage.

16     Being too independent minded kills marriage.

17     LOVE for party, money, impulse buying and spending/partying, financial indiscipline kills marriage.

18  Exposing the inadequacies of your spouse to your parents or siblings kills marriage.

19  Not being steadfast/fervent in the spirit, not praying together kills not only marriage but your life.

20     Spurning correction and reprimand kills marriage. 

21      Always wearing a sad face and being Moody kills marriage.  

22      FEMINISM ADVOCACY kills marriage. 

23     MALE CHAUVINISM kills marriage.

24     Uncontrolled or hot Temperament, Anger kills marriage. 

25    Not understanding your role and position, not taking responsibility in marriage as instituted by God kills marriage. 

26     Not being sensitive to the spiritual, emotional and physical needs of your spouse kills marriage.

27   When anything threatens the position/security of a wife or husband, his or her reaction(s) will be detrimental to the marriage.

28  Lack of the Knowledge of & Obedience to the word of God kills marriage.

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