

The Joy of ‘We’, a true “We”

The joyful Look of love

The joy of “We” is an anger diffuser — the thrills of “We” diffuse anger the minute, no, the second it stirs up. Anger does not linger in the marriage of a true “We”, no. What lingers here is the cool windy feeling of love plays blown from the thrills of “We”, that’s right. 

A true “We” exists in marriages put together by God, enjoying the joy of the Lord in their togetherness—this joy strengthens the spiritual oneness with all its sweetness, ensuring happy moments or times are a given. 

We followed up on an article we wrote in 2016 with another beautiful piece that ended with the question: After all, the marriage started with “Let us”. Isn’t it?

Benson Enakhena, a revered manifester of Christlike living, responded saying “That is why when God wanted to create who He loves so much in Genesis 1:26, He said let US, meaning in every error it must be resolved in love. Because ‘we’ agree to be one, not ‘I’ or ‘Me’ — “We” agreed to be one.” 

We couldn’t agree more. Yes!

“We” is a thrill that ensures spouses in a spiritual oneness see challenges as a walk in the park—challenges don’t brew up storm in the joy of a true “We” let alone allow extended families to kick up dust, no. When the joy of a true “We” is in a marriage, the weaknesses of a spouse are erased by the strength of the other spouse. One thrill of “We” is pro-activeness. There’s no room for reactiveness in the joy of “We”. Unlike the cliche phrase “no marriage is perfect”, perfection is possible in a marriage when the “Joy of We” is in play. Yes!

By Godfrey Times Love Thursday for Godfrey Times Travel

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  1. Always thrilled to read your timeless writings.
