

Marriage is a true “We”, not the “I” or “Me” — “We”


A marriage put together by God is a true spiritual oneness, where there’s no “I” or “Me”. Only a true “We” not the mirage “We”, no. 

However, what is a marriage put together by God? This is when we allow God to give us, not we taking or choosing by ourselves. Both intending spouses seek God’s consent through prayers to ask God, is he or she the one for me? This is the most important thing about marriage many ignore or do not know about. It should be done before saying “Let us”. 

“Let us” proposes the start of a marriage—where “We” is a thrill, providing lovely thrills for the spouses in it to explore.

“We”, that is you and your spouse, should be truly “We”. Not the “We” of “I” or “Me”, no. Marriage cannot be beautiful like that. What is a given is, marriage is a beautiful blessing to the spouses in it if they understand the concept. What is that concept? One page. In the matters of true Spiritual oneness, there are no different pages. No. There’s no I’m going to do my thing—you are going to do your own thing—there’s only one thing: “We”. The fruition of every pursuit of spouses in a marriage put together by God must be or lead to “We” have done this or “We” now have this. There’s no “Let I” or “Let Me” in marriage, yes. Only “Let us”. After all, the marriage started with “Let us”. Isn’t it?  

By Godfrey Times Love Thursday for Godfrey Times Travel

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  1. Perfectly stated- thank you

  2. Thank you for sharing this inspirational truth.
