

The hottest golden-brown hash brown, the panla stew on top of my white rice—What is your term of endearment—your expression of love?


The sweetness of true love is beyond the great taste of some crunchy, hot golden-brown hash browns. Yes—the taste of true love is sweeter than an unsalted hot gravy sausage. 

The savories of the sweetness of love are not the kind you liken to the savors from a nice Nigerian fried Hake (Panla) fish stew with some nice white rice. No—let alone is it likened to the satisfying savor of a nicely pounded yam with Egusi soup

It is important we understand and take in this understanding as a guide to our love life. 

However, we may liken the sweetness of how we love our lovelies or how our lovelies love us, with the sweet savory tastes of these dishes. 

Yes, Love permits it—and we explore the use of it so well. Lol! 

Hell yeah! We do. There are many terms of endearment, or should I say expressions of love, out there. 

Honey bun, you are hotter than the hottest golden-brown Hash brown, damn! Americans Have you heard this before?

Or: Baby, you are the panla stew on top of my white rice. This is for Nigerians. Lol!

Photo Credit: Natalie Dmay, Pexels

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