

From cultural exchange, global audience to promoting tourism destinations — Euro 2024 is glorifying sport tourism


The beautiful blue color of the sky with clusters of very white clouds is so vivid and gorgeous as the sun shines lightly on us, a fresh breeze blowing as if to encourage a pleasant afternoon walk. Or perhaps to provide a good ambiance outside the Chicken Salad Chick restaurant in Trinity, where I went to have my lunch. 

The biggest upset in European championship history so far, happened in the ongoing Euro 2024 where Georgia conquered Portugal yesterday. I watched the highlights again, as I wait for my food order to be served. 

“Hey, is that the soccer match of yesterday?” He asked me. Yes I said, winking an eye. “How can that happen?” He asked again, lamenting to me it is Georgia’s first time. Yes, I said and continued... I really don’t know how to describe my thoughts. It was shocking, but also expected at the same time. 

“Why?,” He interjected. 

I smiled saying the Portuguese have not been playing very well, there was that feeling like eventually they were going to f**k up, but definitely not against Georgia. No. We can say all we want, it was an astonishing performance, an incredible result—Georgia has conquered Portugal.

However, away from the match, I am not a soccer analyst. My focus is the Euro 2024 itself and what it means to the host country, Germany. The tourism impact.


Yes! The ongoing European Football Championship is significantly manifesting the glories of sport tourism. 

“How?” this customer of Chicken Salad Chick in Trinity, Florida asked me again—stirring up a conversation about tourism and its relevance to soccer. 

Very good begins my response as we both explore the tasteful sweetness of our Chicken Salad Chick flavors—interestingly, we were both having a Dixie Chick sandwich with lettuce and bacon. I had my regular two sides of Grape Salad with a cold drink, Sprite. He had two sides of Broccoli Salad with some ice tea. 

This is a time of opportunity for the host country (Germany) to showcase the culture, beauty and historical offerings to the massive global audience that the entertaining tournament is attracting — to encourage these viewers to come and explore. 

 It is an opportunity for the promotion of cross-cultural understanding and appreciation between the locals and visitors, manifesting one benefit of sport tourism—cultural exchange. 

Lest I forget, I believe the Euro 2024 is generating significant revenue from tourism as we speak, enjoying our onion lover’s delight—Dixie Chick sandwich, the only flavor with onions, I think. Lol! 

The soccer event is providing jobs and invigorating local economies, waving the flag of economic impact. 

There’s more, but I will end with saying this: just as the movies do, the Euro 2024 is highlighting Germany’s diverse tourism destinations, encouraging soccer lovers to take the adventure beyond the host cities — explore the wealthiness of Germany, tourism wise. 

“For tourism talks or travel, am a coo, coo for Coco Pops. I tell you, man.” My Dixie Chick friend told me. “Well, I have never thought about it like that, never. However, you know so much about this. You should write about it in a blog or something.” He added.

Little did he know am a travel writer. Smiles. 

Photo Credit: Fox Soccer, YouTube

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