

Travel to learn, meet different cultures, leave our world a better place—10 reasons to love travel by AndBeyond


Will you agree with me, you get the highest enlightenment in life from traveling? Do you believe there’s a lot more than much to learn from traveling than settling in what you have learnt in one place? The more you travel, the more culture you meet. The more culture you meet, the more you know about people. The more you know about people, the more you learn about characters, attitudes, and how people differ from you in so many ways in life. 

What you can or will learn from travel cannot be taught in the classrooms of schools or the lecture rooms of the universities, no. You cannot even find them in any academic books. The travel destinations are your schools or universities. The attractions or tourism offerings of these travel destinations are the courses and the travel experiences you explore are the classes where you learn.

However, we are just sharing our two cents about travel. How about we learn more about what travel means from AndBeyond’s Claire Trickett? Yes. 

She shared what travel means to her in the article ‘10 Reasons To Love Travel’, writing that traveling to learn, meeting different cultures, and leave our world a better place as some of the valid reasons to love travel. 

Explore the wonderful travel read on AndBeyond here.

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