

Tourism evangelist shares Indaba experience with Godfrey Times Travel.


The biggest blessing in Africa is tourism. It is a blessing homing the plentiful blessings of the continent. It is the industry Africa needs to achieve its much-desired growth and development.

How many are aware of this, let alone reach for these blessings idling away or sitting untapped like the untapped prophets of old?

Well, what is sure is, there are few who know and have made themselves evangelists of this industry.

One of them is Didier Bayeye, a prominent tourism expert in Africa.

Bayeye is a cogent tourism evangelist, evangelizing the great need for Africa to embrace tourism.

This he did at the just held Africa’s Travel Indaba 2022 edition, where he discussed with ministers of tourism from Mozambique, Lesotho, Eswatini, Zambia and the DR Congo.

Godfrey Times Travel spoke with Bayeye via a WhatsApp chat.

Here’s what he told us. Read it all below.

It is called the 2020 Tourism Indaba because the previous one to happen was in 2019.

The atmosphere was great to be in. There was a large turnout from all over the world, but the high level of attendance from Africa was wonderful. Several exhibitors presented a wide range of African tourism products. The main ICC (Convention Center) was completely full.

The outdoor areas, packed with outdoor activities, crammed the DEC Pavilion with other African Tourism products.

Angola, Namibia, Botswana, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, eSwatini, Lesotho, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mauritius, Cape Verde Seychelles, Comoros, and Madagascar all had impressive stands to showcase the diversity of African Tourism.

African unity is the only way to achieve African dreams. This, to me, was a clear sign.

More cohesion, integration, collaboration, and participation would catapult Africa to new heights.

Thank you to South African Tourism for always being at the forefront of African tourism.

This year’s Indaba is a great joy and success.

South African Tourism, who understands the importance of African buyers, hosted over 100 local and international buyers. These hosted buyers came to attend the show and explore the country on a post-Indaba tour. If you have to buy something, make sure you know what you’re getting.

Africa’s Travel Indaba was also notable for high dignitaries from various African countries.

I spoke with some of them as an African Tourism Expert.

I discussed tourism with ministers from Mozambique, Lesotho, eSwatini, Zambia.

The DR Congo Minister of Tourism, His Excellency Mr Modero Nsimba Matondo, was also among those I spoke with.

He has been pushing tourism and gaining attention in the DR Congo by establishing a remarkable stand.

All tourism ministers agreed Africa can support its own tourism products and sustain the industry and economy through African tourism consumers.

They have also approved a partnership with African experts in this sector, which is a great step forward for Africa.

I presented the case of some African countries that are still very strict in their visa regime.

Countries like eSwatini and Lesotho face double-trouble in receiving African tourists because these countries are landlocked with South-Africa.

This makes SA visas mandatory even if tourists are only visiting Lesotho or Eswatini.

I’m glad these Ministers listened and agreed that this is an enormous challenge, and that they promised to look into it. They will.

The organization was fantastic with the matchmaking tools for business meetings.

We do not attend trade shows for the sake of attending because every move has a cost. It is critical for the organisers or trade fairs to present the values attendees, exhibitors, and visitors receive, rather than just the name of the show. Else it will become just a social gathering. Organisers should also consider the value of what they charge exhibitors versus the ROI exhibitors receive. People weigh their options before spending money to attend trade shows.

SAT gets a thumbs up for this year’s Indaba.

As an African Tourism Expert, I am overjoyed.

I encourage all tourism stakeholders in Africa to develop new and innovative ideas or programs that will entice African role players rather than the same traditional way of doing things.

Bayeye, who is the Director of Global Travel World Experts, ended with saying African Tourism is the light that keeps Africa bright. The more we light, the brighter Africa gets.

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