

Spectators thrilled by Rio concerts


Rio More
More Entertainment taking place at Rio 2016 in Brazil
On Sunday evening, the Olympic Boulevard of the city was transformed into a giant stage during which the performance of various artists thrilled the public.

Samba is Brazil’s best known music and has become the symbol of the country and its people.

“We were looking for soccer actually, but went up to the other end of Olympic Boulevard and then heard the music, and some people said there’s a concert down here so we came down to check it out.” obne spectator said.

“Have some fun, enjoy the Olympic. Games and just see nice people out there. There’s a lot of nice people here, there’s a good vibe, a good energy, and I just like the music, so we came to enjoy that,” another added.

Brazilian officials say more of this concerts will be organised in a bid to expose their culture to the world.

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