

Flavor’s Game Changer (Dike) is a unique cultural and traditional thrill.


Of all the identities of a man, his culture is the foundation, the basis that holds who he is. For every man, this is a special pride, a one-of-a-kind dignity.

Flavor, knowing this, started as an original and stayed with being original ever since, showcasing all the glories in his culture with his passion.

He validates why I’ve always said that passion is the best company of a man’s culture. Yes, man adds a distinctive perspective to his culture through his passion.

I don’t know how to put it or what to call it. Is he propagating the culture? Yes. Is he fueling the pride of the south-east region of Nigeria? That is a capital letter YES. Is he the best singer in the Eastern part of the country? You tell me, either way he understands he must show more of his culture. So he differentiated himself with the richness of the base that holds who he is.

Game Changer (Dike) is a cultural masterpiece full of traditional feeling. He keeps bringing out the very basics of the rhythms of the Igbos as they are popularly identified in Nigeria. The dance, lyrics and rhythms are just the very identity of one of the most resourceful tribe in Nigeria. Oh my God, who wouldn’t appreciate this culture hearing this song? I can’t stop imagining in my head how the Igbos would dance to this song so joyfully, with pride and joy.

But you know what? This song isn’t just for the Igbos, no. It is for every Nigerian. There’s no tribe under the identity of Nigeria that won’t dance to this song. Many, I repeat many, Nigerians as children, grew up to know and be very familiar with the phrase “Nzogbu Nzogbu Enyimba Enyi!” Whether you are from the south-east region of Nigeria or not—this song is for you—for Nigeria!

Flavor has long decided on quality over quantity. It shows in the visuals of the song: The people, their happiness, costumes, vibe and dance. The traditional feeling in this song is so exciting and inspiring.

The emperor, the conqueror, the champion, the lion is here! Nzogbu Nzogbu Enyimba Enyi!

The sweetness of the language, even though you don’t understand it, adds to the thrills of the traditional feel. Well done flavor!!

Music is one of the glorious glories of our multi-diverse cultures and with it, we have used it to keep ourselves together as a nation despite how political divisions try to demolish us to the bitter state of disunity.

It is for Nigeria!!! For happiness and joy in unity.

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